Startup Corner

Startup Corner Podcast - Alexander Link - Luxinnovation

Season 1 Episode 43

Hues du dech jeemools scho gefrot wéi eng Roll Lëtzebuerg an der europäescher Defense spillt a mat neien Technologien d’Zukunft gestalt ? 

An eiser neier Podcast-Episod entdecks du ënnert anere:  
Wéi Lëtzebuerg zu der Defense zu Europa an der Nato bäidréit 
Wéi Tech an Innovatioun eng Schlësselroll an der Defense spille 
Wéi dës Entwécklungen eis national Industrie a Wirtschaft stäerke  

Dës Froen an nach méi diskutéiere mir mam Alexander Link, Coordinator for Defence Technology and Innovation bei der Luxinnovation! 

🎧 Lauschteren elo eran a bleift um neiste Stand

✅ Abonnéiert de "Startup Corner" op Spotify, ApplePodcasts a GooglePodcasts. 

De StartupCorner ass e Podcast op Lëtzebuergesch iwwert Startups an Innovatioun zu Lëtzebuerg, presentéiert vum House of Startups Luxembourg, mat der Ënnerstëtzung vun der Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg an dem SCRIPT. 




Our latest podcast episode is live! Don’t miss this deep dive into how Luxembourg is shaping the future of European defense. 🛡️💡 

In this episode, we uncover: 
Luxembourg’s role in strengthening European and NATO defense 
The game-changing impact of tech and innovation on defense strategies 
How these advancements boost our national economy and industries 

Our guest, Alexander Link, Coordinator for Defence Technology and Innovation at Luxinnovation, shares exclusive insights into this fascinating and critical topic.  

🎧 Listen now and stay ahead of the conversation

✅ Subscribe now to StartupCorner on Spotify, ApplePodcasts & GooglePodcasts  

The ‘StartupCorner’ is a monthly podcast in Luxembourgish about startups and innovation in Luxembourg, presented by the House of Startups powered by the Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg and supported by the SCRIPT.