Startup Corner
Startup Corner
Startup Corner - Joelle Barthel - Flo Health
Hues du dech scho gefrot wéi Technologie Fraen erméigleche kann hire Kierper ze verstoen a soumat Kontroll iwwert hier Gesondheet ze hunn? 📱 Oder villäicht bass du virwëtzeg a wëlls wësse wéi FemTech Startups wéi Flo Health Frae generell hëllefe kennen? Wei kann eng Startup een efficace Monitoring vun de menstruellen Zikelen tracken?
An der leschter Folge vum StartupCorner Podcast gëtt d’Joelle Barthel, Brand Marketing & Creative Studio Direkterin bei Flo Health, en Abléck hannert d’App Flo Health an d'Entwécklung vun der App. Entdeckt wéi Flo Health als weltwäit éischte FemTech App ee Menstruatiounstracking bitt a mat villen verschidde Features Frae mat personaliséierte Gesondheets Tipps ënnerstëtze kann.
✅ Abonnéiert de "Startup Corner" op Spotify, ApplePodcasts a GooglePodcasts.
De StartupCorner ass e Podcast op Lëtzebuergesch iwwert Startups an Innovatioun zu Lëtzebuerg, presentéiert vum House of Startups Luxembourg, mat der Ënnerstëtzung vun der Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg an dem SCRIPT.
Ever wondered how technology can empower women to truly understand their bodies and seize control of their health? 📱 Or perhaps you're curious about the game-changing role FemTech startups like Flo Health play in reshaping the landscape of female healthcare? 💡 And let's also consider the significance of monitoring menstrual cycles and ovulation. How do these straightforward steps contribute to improved reproductive health outcomes? 🚀
Join us on the latest episode of StartupCorner Podcast, where Joelle Barthel, Brand Marketing & Creative Studio Director at Flo Health, shares an in-depth look into Flo Health’s growth journey and primary market focus. Discover why Flo Health stands out as the leading global FemTech app, offering unparalleled menstruation tracking and cycle prediction. With features designed to support women through every stage of their reproductive journey, including personalized health insights, expert tips, and a secure community for sharing questions and concerns, Flo Health is transforming women's health worldwide.
✅ Subscribe now to Startup Corner on Spotify, ApplePodcasts & GooglePodcasts
The ‘StartupCorner’ is a monthly podcast in Luxembourgish about startups and innovation in Luxembourg, presented by the House of Startups powered by the Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg and supported by the SCRIPT.